吴孟山 副教授

1. M.-S. Wu, Y. Zhang*, G.-A. Yan, J.-Y. Zhang*, K. Varga and Z.-C. Yan, Elastic scattering of positive muons from 3He and 4He. Physical Review A, 107,042815(2023).

2. M.-S. Wu, J.-Y. Zhang*, Y. Qian, K. Varga, U. Schwingenschlogl, and Z.-C. Yan,Confined variational calculation of positronium-hydrogen scattering below the positronium excitation threshold, Physical Review A, 103, 022817 (2021).

3. M.-S. Wu, J.-Y. Zhang*, X. Gao, Y. Qian, H.-H. Xie, K. Varga, Z.-C. Yan, and U.Schwingenschlogl, Confined variational calculation of o-Ps-He scattering properties,Physical Review A, 101, 042705 (2020).

4. Meng-Shan Wu, Hui-Li Han*, and Ting-Yun Shi, Universalities for the Efimov-favored system with finite-range interactions, Physical Review A, 93, 062507(2016).

5. Meng-Shan Wu, Hui-Li Han*, Cheng-Bin Li, and Ting-Yun Shi, Prediction of a weakly bound excited state of Efimov character in a 7Li4He2 system, Physical Review A, 90, 062506 (2014).